Alex joined Weston Area Health Trust in January 2018 and brings extensive experience in strategic workforce redesign, organisational development, partnership working and transformation.
Alex has worked in HR in the NHS for over 25 years in a number of roles across the South West before joining University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust in 2003. This included Deputy Director of Transformation, Deputy Director of Workforce and Organisational Development and was Acting Director of Workforce & OD from June 2016 – October 2017.
Alex has held a number of regional and national positions which included a secondment with the Department of Health to support NHS organisations in the South West to implement the Health & Wellbeing recommendation of the Boorman report, HR adviser to the Health and Wellbeing Development Unit of the Royal College of Physicians, Vice President of the South West Healthcare People Management Association.
Alex has a Master's in International Strategic HR Management and HR Leadership, has also completed the NHS Leadership Academy Aspirant Director of Workforce Career Development Programme and is a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel & Development.