Board Members for Weston Area Health NHS Trust

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust. 

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW board members page for the latest information. 



Jeff Farrar, Chairman

Robert Woolley, Chief Executive

Kris Dominy, Managing Director 

Simon Gittoes-Davies, Director of Finance

Mark Marriott, Director of Operations

Alex Nestor, Director of Human Resources

Peter Collins , Medical Director 

Sarah Dodds, Director of Nursing

John Roberts, Non-Executive Director and Chair of the Audit & Assurance Committee

Rosalinde Wyke Non-Executive Director, Single Independent Director and Chair of the Finance & Performance Committee

Sue Balcombe, Non-Executive Director

Robert Mould, Non-Executive Director

Kelvin Blake, Non-Executive Director


Our Board of Directors meet every month in public and the agenda for each meeting is shared here in advance, followed by a full set of papers after each meeting.


The Board of Directors comprises the Trust Chairman, four independent Non-Executive Directors and five voting Executive Directors: Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Operations, Director of Finance, Medical Director, Director of Nursing. There is also one non-voting Executive Director: the Director of Human Resources.


The Trust Chairman ensures that the Board of Directors focuses on The Trust's strategic development and that everyone is clear on their responsibilities to deliver that strategy (our accountability) and the ways in which we should do that (our governance). The Chairman also evaluates the performance of the Board of Directors, its committees and individual Non-Executive Directors. The board's Non-Executive Directors use their expertise, interest and experience to scrutinise the performance of management, monitor the reporting of performance, and satisfy themselves as to the integrity of financial, clinical and other information. The Non-Executive Directors also fulfil their responsibility for determining appropriate levels of remuneration for Executive Directors. Executive Directors are experienced NHS professionals with specific management and operational skills.  They are responsible for the day-to-day operational management of the trust.


The Trust Board has a number of committees:

  • The Audit & Assurance committee reviews the assurance framework, financial control systems and receives regular reports from the internal and external auditors.
  • The Quality & Safety Committee reviews the systems, process and practices in place to keep patients safe – ensuring that lessons are learned when things go wrong
  • The People & Organisational Development Committee reviews staff numbers, competence, feedback and well being – ensuring that process to support our workforce are in place and effective.
  • The Finance & Performance committee provides a forum where detailed consideration is given to the major financial issues facing the Trust.
  • The Remuneration & Terms of Service committee makes recommendations to the Trust Board on the remuneration and terms of service of Directors and senior managers, taking into account comparative data from other Trusts.
  • The Charitable Funds committee is where the  trustees for the charitable funds held by the Trust meet to discuss the charitable funds collected and spent.


 Weston Area Health NHS Trust works within the opportunities published in the NHS Five Year Forward View to:


  • consistently deliver safe and effective services
  • develop our services to meet the requirements of North Somerset
  • transform services to be sustainable


The Trust has developed a strategic plan which describes the Trust’s priorities from 2016 to 2021 to deliver outstanding safe care and improve the sustainability of all services. 


We are keen to incorporate our patients' views of the future and work closely with our Patients' Council to help shape and focus on how we deliver our services to our population. 


Over the coming years it is expected that growth in the local population for Weston and North Somerset will be above average. To meet the challenge of the increased demand on services we will work collaboratively with our partners and commissioners (NHS organisations who decide what health services are provided and then finance them) in BristolNorth Somerset and South Gloucestershire (the BNSSG) and Somerset to ensure that the maximum range of services that are needed locally are safely provided from the Trust. 


Our vision sets out the Trust's aspirations:

To work in partnership to provide outstanding healthcare for every patient.

Our objectives set out our strategic plans which will help turn the vision into a reality. In 2021 we will know we have been successful because we will have achieved:

  • Consistent delivery of safe services which meet constitutional standards
  • Clinical and financial sustainability of our Trust
  • A strong and growing contribution to the  improving the health of our local population
  • Evidence that our staff will be working with others to deliver seamless care for our patients