Sunshine Radio

If you'd like to brighten up your stay at Weston General Hospital then tune in to Sunshine Radio, the station that brings you joy and entertainment around the clock. Sunshine Radio has been serving the hospital community since 1978, and we know how to make you feel good! Whether you like pop, rock, country, classical or anything in between, we have something for you. 

You can listen to us from your bed using the hospital Sparks Wi-Fi on your smart phone or tablet. It's easy and free. Just connect your smart device to the hospital Wi-Fi, choose Entertainment, press Radio, and select Sunshine Radio. You'll be smiling in no time.

But that's not all. Sunshine Radio is also a great way to connect with your loved ones who are spending time in hospital. You can send them a message or a song request through our website, and we'll play it for them on air. 

You can also find out more about our amazing volunteers, who dedicate their time and skills to make Sunshine Radio possible. If you want to join our team, or support us in any way, please visit our website and get in touch.

Sunshine Radio is more than just a radio station. It's a friend at the bedside, and a source of happiness for everyone at Weston General Hospital.