Stroke Unit


Uphill Ward is a 24 bedded ward with 12 stroke rehabilitation beds and 12 Care of the Elderly / General Medical beds.

Patients admitted under the General Medical or Care of the Elderly doctors are usually admitted to Uphill Ward from either the Emergency Department or via either the Medical Assessment Unit or Sandford Ward.

Uphill Ward is located on the second floor of the Main Hospital Site, on the East side of the building.

The Ward Manager is Charge Nurse Kristian Keyte.

The direct number for Uphill Ward is 01934 647075.


Sleep plays a vital part in patient recovery in the early stages after a stroke, and visitors can be very tiring for a patient.

For this reason, we ask visitors to visit only between the hours of 11am and 7pm. 

We ask visitors to avoid mealtimes unless they are assisting the patient with eating. In exceptional circumstances, when visiting outside of these hours, please speak to the Ward Manager, one of the Ward Sisters or the Nurse in Charge. Children of primary school age are not routinely permitted on Uphill Ward, however, in exceptional circumstances, this can be discussed with the Ward Manager, one of the Ward Sisters or the Nurse in Charge.

What do I need whilst in the Unit?

Please supply nightwear, slippers and dressing gown as well as your own toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving foam, razors or electric shaver etc.). We will provide towels. Staff on the Unit will let you know when to bring in clothes to wear. Please bring in sensible shoes to wear whilst undergoing therapy.


Planning for discharge will start as soon as you are admitted and the team may approach you for information.

Before discharge assessments and decisions will be made with you about any support you may need in the community such as on-going therapy, care package, meals on wheels etc.

If you have a small stroke with no disabilities then you are likely to be discharged quickly. If you have mild difficulties then you may be discharged with support from the community services. If you have a major stroke then you may be in hospital for a longer period of rehabilitation. Timescales will depend on your progress. Unfortunately some strokes are devastating and we will ensure appropriate, quality end of life care (QELCA) on the Unit if this is necessary.

The Stroke Service

For more information about services and clinics for patients who have had a stroke or TIA, please see the Stroke Service page.