All wards now open with extended visiting hours over Christmas

Update on ward closures due to the outbreak of Norovirus at Weston General Hospital


Weston has managed its Norovirus outbreak with all wards affected now open as normal. The hospital is pleased to announce that all restrictions it had in place have now been lifted. It’s now in a position to offer extended visiting hours for family and friends wanting to see loved ones spending Christmas in hospital.


However, Weston is asking visitors to remain vigilant as Norovirus and respiratory infections are still circulating in the local community. To find out more about Norovirus, please click HERE


Visiting hours

Visiting hours have been extended during the holiday period.

  • We welcome visiting between 10am and 8pm for the four days 25th to 28th December 2014 and ask that relatives/visitors help us by not bringing infection into the hospital. 
  • Please do not visit loved ones if you have had diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the last two days or if you have had a cold or flu in the last two days.
  • All visitors are encouraged to wash/gel their hands when they come to visit and when they leave.  Gel is available beside beds, at ward entrances and at the main hospital entrance.

Thank you to all our staff working over Christmas


Weston Area Health NHS Trust wishes our community a merry Christmas and happy New Year. We would like to thank all our staff  giving up their Christmas and New Year to care for our patients and to all the staff in health, social care and the emergency services across North Somerset doing the same.