Press Releases 2015

Seagulls Football team swoop into Orthopedic Department

High demand at Weston General Hospital

Continued high demand at the hospital

CQC postpones inspection

Onging demand on the hospital

New Ducklings at Weston

National Awards Recognition for Weston Staff

Celebration of Success Awards 2015

North Somerset CCG  - Check your options for non-emergency care this Easter

Weston Celebrates 20 years Long Service Awards

CEO Nick Wood to resign from Weston Area Health NHS Trust

Chemical decontamination training exercise at Weston General Hospital with

Avon Fire & Rescue 

New Chairman at Weston Hospital

Weston's frontline staff get more flu jabs than any other hospital in the region

Statement on BBC Points West story regarding Alison Draper

Hospital volunteer makes lasting impression

Chief Executive Nick Wood to leave Weston Area Heath NHS Trust

Trust celebrates staff success

Top tips to beat the heat

Weston Area Health NHS Trust receives commendation

New Chief Executive for Weston Area Health NHS Trust

Doctors of the future get a taste of medicine

Housekeeping team cleans up at major awards 

Students get a taste of medicine

Statement on Plans to introduce seven day working to the NHS

Operating theatre reopens with major upgrades

Statement: patients discharged early from hospitals

Trust scores highly with patients

Statement: food quality at the Trust

Statement on car parking revenue

Statement: alcohol-related admissions

Radiology team wins national commndation for patient services

Junior doctors arrive at Weston Are Health NHS Trust

The Celebration of Success film is now available 

Weston seen as “Caring” by the Care Quality Commission with further improvements needed 

Trust Gets top marks from patients

Statement on Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman report 

Statement on Phoebe Willis case 

Statement on the follow up CQC report 

CAMHS at Dismaland 

Weston's acquisition will no longer proceed - the Trust reponds to today's announcement 

Cancer patients treated with 'dignity and respect' at Weston 

IT crowd gather for Byte Night 

Statement on our repair bill 

Want to join our team? 

New cafe launched for stroke survivors 

Staff in Weston prepare for winter flu 

Statement regarding 'missed' heart attack 

Poppy brightens up the day for Weston stroke survivors

Hospital staff celebrate print rooms 21st birthday 

Trust announces winter plans 

New surgeons at Weston increase treatment opportunities for patients 

Hospital wins top award for sustainable transport

National award for hospital cleaners

Patients set to benefit from new NHS Genomic Medicine Centre.

Statement regarding our regarding our agency staffing spend

Hutton and Uphill wards affected by Norovirus

Statement regarding 'missed' fracture 

Mayor attends operating theatre celebration