Trust celebrates staff success














Staff at Weston Area Health NHS Trust (WAHT) have been celebrating after holding their second annual staff awards evening on Thursday 25 June.


The ‘Celebration of Success’ took place at Batch Country House and recognised the outstanding work of staff and their positive contribution to patient care. Finalists and winners were nominated and judged by their fellow colleagues across the Trust.


The event also highlighted some of the positive changes that have happened in the Trust and the essential role staff have played in introducing improvements during the past year.


Commenting on the awards, Sheridan Flavin, Director of Human Resources, who organised the event said: “We wanted to thank our staff for the huge contribution they have made to the Trust. We really appreciate the hard work they do and wanted to give them public recognition for it, so we organised this very special evening.


“I’d also like to thank the Committee – all members of staff who’ve worked very hard over the last year to put the event together.”


The official awards ceremony was attended by more than 250 people, where winners were given trophies, certificates, and lanyards to celebrate their win.


The winners are:

  • Newcomer of the Year – Ann Abdulgani, Senior Ward Sister
  • Non-Clinical Services Award – Tony Wares, Learning and Development Administrator
  • Team Spirit Award – The Stroke Unit
  • Leadership Award – Sue Baker, Junior Sister
  • Volunteer Award – Jean Gillibrand, Legal Services Volunteer
  • Nurse/Midwife of the Year – Dawn Smallwood (Midwife)
  • Nursing/Midwifery Assistant of the Year – Sheridan Body, Nursing Assistant
  • Clinician of the year – Dr Latha Ajit, Clinical Fellow
  • Clinical Services Award – Caroline Walker, Senior Pharmacy Technician
  • Chief Executive’s Award – Dr Parag Singhal, Dr Andy Bell and Dr Kurien John


Nick Wood, Chief Executive, said of the event: “I’m so proud of the work that every single employee does at the Trust and their dedication and commitment to patient care. The compassion they show to the 200,000 patients we serve each year is truly outstanding.


“To be able to recognise those that go the extra mile is an honour for me. Well done to all those employees who won, the finalists and to those who were nominated; your great work contributes to improving the lives of so many people.”


See below for our video produced for the awards.