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Press Releases 2015
Operating theatre reopens with major upgrades
Operating theatre reopens with major upgrades
The first operating theatre at Weston Area Health NHS Trust to undergo a refurbishment has reopened with major improvements.
The Trust is investing £2.4m into upgrading four of its operating theatres, with the aim of delivering modern facilities which provide higher standards of pre and post-operative care for patients.
The theatre has been equipped with an upgraded air flow system which allows staff to monitor air and humidly levels – crucial for reducing risk of infection.
The theatre upgrade also sees improved operating lights and high tech control panels which allow surgeons to control all the equipment in the room.
The renovations are being completed in stages to minimise theatre shutdown and limit the impact on patients. The final refurbishment is due to be completed in November of this year.
Karen Croker, Director of Operations at the Trust said: “This is a very exciting development for the Trust in terms of delivering more modern and efficient operating theatres and a much improved working environment for staff.
“We perform more than 400 orthopaedics and general surgery operations every month and we want all of our patients to have a comfortable and positive experience when they come to our hospitals to have surgery.
“Our refurbished operating theatre will offer higher levels of clinical care for patients and a safer, cleaner environment which will reduce risks of infection.”
Dr David Crossley, Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead for the Surgical Division, said: The refurbishment has already made a difference to our working environment and created even more of an efficient, modern, clinical space than was there before.
“Like everything, surgical equipment wears out over time and so this wholesale upgrade is a chance to replace it before it becomes fatigued.
“As a surgical team we haven’t really noticed a difference while the work has been going on, which is very good as it also means disruption to patients has been kept to a minimum. We’re certainly looking forward to having the rest of the suite of theatres completed to the same high standard as Theatre Number 4.”