More than 65 junior doctors have started working the wards at Weston Area Health NHS Trust this week.
The new doctors will work across a wide range of specialties, including medicine and surgery.
The majority of the new doctors join as part of a two year foundation programme after leaving medical school.
Those who have recently qualified will start their induction period early, shadowing senior staff for a week of education and clinical supervision.
Miss Bee Martin, Executive Medical Director and Consultant Surgeon at Weston Area Health NHS Trust said: “We’re delighted to welcome a very talented group of junior doctors to the Trust to continue their career development.
“Some of our juniors grew up in the area, and have come home to care for local people. This is a great testament to the work of our local schools who are helping to produce the doctors of tomorrow. Many others come from all over the country, bringing with them a wealth of different experiences and approaches.
“I’m really pleased that these junior doctors are starting their career in Weston. Our Trust is an excellent place for them to learn new skills and to put their years of training into practise. I hope they enjoy working here.”
Dr Karan Prankash, who begins his career as a doctor this week, said: “I’m from Newcastle originally, and this is my first time in the hospital. I’m really excited to be here, as I’ve heard good things about the Trust and the community; I can’t wait to get started.”