04.06.20 Update on temporary changes at Weston General Hospital

Last updated: 04/06/2020

Work continues to ensure that Weston General Hospital can accept new patients and reopen the A&E department as soon as possible.

COVID-19 re-testing of all inpatients has continued this week, with no new cases in our non-COVID wards identified since the temporary measures taken by the hospital were introduced.

This would indicate no in-hospital transmission of the infection and continues to demonstrate that the actions being taken at the hospital are working and ensuring patients and staff remain as safe as possible.

The initial round of staff testing suggests that approximately 6% of the staff group at the hospital as a whole are asymptomatic and infected, and we are currently in the process of repeat testing all our staff. Any members of staff who have tested positive have self-isolated in line with national guidance.

Alongside the rigorous testing programme in place, careful planning is underway with the aim to reopen services at the earliest opportunity.

Robert Woolley, chief executive at University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It’s encouraging that we continue to see no evidence of in-hospital transmission. This is a reflection of the hard work and commitment of our staff to tackle this situation and keep our patients and each other safe.

“We will continue to test patients and staff regularly, as part of the careful planning to ensure we can re-open services as soon as possible. This includes deep cleaning the hospital, and carefully working through how we open our doors to new patients whilst maintaining the safety of our patients and staff.

“We continue to work closely with our health and care partners in preparation for re-opening and arrangements remain in place for new patients to access treatment and care in other appropriate healthcare settings in the area should they need it.”

More information, including about alternative healthcare settings, is available in our questions and answers document here.


Notes to editors

  • Weston General Hospital temporarily stopped accepting new patients, including into its A&E department, as of 8am on Monday 25 May 2020.This was a precautionary measure in order to maintain the safety of staff and patients in response to the high number of patients with Coronavirus in the hospital.
  • The decision to take this step was clinically-led, and supported by partners across the wider Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) health and care system.
  • View our previous press release here.