The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. For many people living with cancer, the impact has been all the more significant. What we do next really matters. We believe that by listening to and learning from the experiences of patients and carers we can build our services back better than before for everyone.
To help us we would like to invite you to take part in a conversation we are having with patients and carers to help us understand and improve the experience of adult cancer care in our hospitals.
We particularly want to hear about the experiences of people who have received cancer care between March 2020 and today in any of our hospitals and for any reason. This is because we want to learn more about how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on all aspects of care and explore with you what we can do differently in the future.
You can take part in two ways. Firstly, by answering a few short survey questions about your experience of care and, secondly, by signing up to our Cancer Care Participation Community.
The survey: You can share your views by completing a brief online survey using this link or, by scanning the QR code at the end of this page. You may also request a paper copy of the survey from your clinic. The survey will run for two weeks commencing Monday 13th September 2021.
Cancer Care Participation Community: By joining this community you will be invited to take part in an online conversation with other patients and staff at our hospitals to talk about what the survey has told us and how services can be improved. These conversations will happen in the Autumn. To join the community please email or telephone 0117 342 3729 and leave your name and contact details.
Every year, the Trust participates in a National Cancer Patient Experience Survey. The survey is an important part of the national NHS Cancer Programme, which quite rightly places patient experience as a key priority. It has been designed to understand national progress on cancer care and to drive local improvements to services. If you had an appointment in our hospitals in April, May or June 2021, you may be sent a survey to your home over the coming weeks. We would encourage you to complete this if you feel able to.
Your participation in this survey is voluntary and taking part will not affect your future care in any way. If you choose to take part any responses that you give will be treated in the strictest confidence. Further details about how your information is collected, used and shared is available on our Privacy Notice:
Thank you for joining the conversation and helping us deliver the best care possible.