The Seashore Centre is a unit for the age group of 0 – 16 years and was opened to provide care closer to home for local children and their families. Our opening hours are Monday – Friday between 09:00 – 20:00 hrs, although we are closed on bank holidays.
Children access our Outpatients Department by a referral from your General Practitioner (GP).
Children access our Day Assessment Unit via the Emergency Department (ED), GP or other hospitals. Hopefully for your child to go home later that day but if your child should need to have an inpatient hospital admission, we will organise transfer for them and one carer to the most appropriate hospital.
We have a large waiting room with a television and plenty of toys/games. On the Day Assessment Unit we have toys, DVDs, books and electronic games to keep everyone entertained! We also have a quiet activity room for parents to breast feed.
We have been supported by the local community, who have kindly fundraised and donated generously to allow us to enhance our service and facilities for local children and their families.
Each child is important and should be cared for as an individual and as a part of a family.
Staff have a responsibility to create a caring and supportive environment and we aim to promote a happy and safe place where cultural, spiritual, physical and social needs are respected; and the child and their carers are kept informed and involved in all aspects of care, progress and decision making.
The Seashore Centre has a friendly team of 3 Paediatric Consultants, 7 paediatric nurses and 5 administration staff members. We have a paediatric dietician who has her clinics here and we host a range of other clinics, for example orthotics, eye clinics, tongue tie clinic and clinics run by the community team.
We are able to provide drinks, meals and toys for older children. It would be useful for parents of younger children to bring with them nappies, bottles and feeds.
These are some of the comments from parents:
If you have any questions or concerns prior to your child's admission to the Seashore Centre please do contact us.
The Seashore CentreWeston General HospitalGrange HillUphillWeston-super-MareNorth SomersetBS23 4TQ
General Enquiries – (01934) 881123Ward Manager (Julia Marker) – (01934) 881370Nursing Office – (01934) 881371