Useful Links

Translabel - Translates medicine taking instructions into a wide range of different languages.

Electronic medicines compendium – Download patient information leaflets for a wide range of medication.

Birmingham University Guides, or  Leicestershire Partnership - Leaflets about medication for patients with learning difficulties.

Medicines for children - Leaflets about medication designed specifically for children.


The inpatient Pharmacy Department prepares medication for inpatients and patients being discharged.

The Main Pharmacy Department is located on the ground floor of the main hospital building.

The primary role of the inpatient Pharmacy Department is to care for inpatients of Weston General Hospital, through ensuring the best use of medicines, and providing information about medicines to both patients and to the professionals who treat them.

Hours of opening: Mon to Fri: 9 – 5:30pm, and Saturday 9 –12:30pm

Lead pharmacist: Sarah Karthauser

Contact Information:
Tel: 01934 647061

We do not supply medication for outpatients. We work closely with the Lloyds Outpatient Pharmacy, which is situated on the ground floor, who dispense medication for hospital outpatients. Neither pharmacy is able to dispense prescriptions written by GPs.


Lloyds Outpatient Pharmacy

Pharmacist: Claire Bennett

Hours of opening: Mon to Fri: 9 – 6pm

Tel: 01934 414584
Fax: 01934 424399

Out of Hours Pharmacy

You can find out where your nearest Out of Hours Pharmacy is by telephoning NHS on 111. There is also an online tool available through the NHS Choices website at 


Along with other Acute Trusts and CCGs the Trust is a partner organisation in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Joint Formulary Group and the formulary that the Trust bases its prescribing on can be accessed using the following link:-