CT Scanner

Photograph of Radiology staff with CT Scanner. WHAT IS A CT SCAN?

CT stands for Computer Tomography.

It is an X-ray examination that produces detailed cross sectional images of your organs and blood vessels.




  • If there is a possibility that you may be pregnant, please contact the Radiology Department as soon as possible as your appointment may need to be rescheduled. Failure to do so may result in your examination being postponed.
  • Please bring with you any angina sprays/tablets and inhalers that you are taking.
  • If you are diabetic please inform our appointments clerk to help give you an appropriate appointment time. If you are taking METFORMIN (also called GLUCOPHAGE, GLUCOVANCE, DUFORMIN, ORABET or GLUCAMET) please inform the radiographer on the day of your appointment.
  • Please try and remove all jewellery and metal objects from the area that is being examined.



The CT team consists of two radiographers, a radiologist (radiology doctor) and a radiography assistant. As we are a teaching hospital, a student may also be present.



Photograph of Radiology staff and Patient with CT scanner. On arrival at the Radiology Department you must book in at reception. For scans of the abdomen you may be asked to drink up to a litre of fluid an hour prior to your scan. The fluid may be a barium drink or water and will assist us in getting more detailed images of your bowel and surrounding organs.

  • Once in the CT room you will be asked the following questions:
  • If you suffer from any allergies
  • If you have previously had any reactions during the administering of iodine based intravenous contrast injections
  • If you are diabetic and are using Metformin
  • If you are asthmatic and have your inhaler with you
  • If you are of childbearing age, the first day of your last period date
  • If you have normal kidney function, are on renal dialysis or seeing a kidney specialist
  • If you are using any blood thinning medication e.g. Warfarin, aspirin

You might be asked to remove any clothing that has metal on it e.g. bra, trousers.

You will be asked to lie down on the scan table and be made as comfortable as possible.

The radiographer may need to inject you with a contrast agent. This is a colourless dye that improves the visibility of blood vessels on the scan.



You should have no after effects from the examination and can eat normally and drink plenty. The results will not be given to you immediately as the radiologist will need time to report on your images. The radiographer will advise you on the best way for you to receive your results.



There is a small risk from the effects of the injection. During the administration of the injection some patients may get a warm feeling, metallic taste and a sensation that they are passing water. This is normal and usually lasts about 1 minute. On very rare occasions the injection can make you feel nauseous. This should also only last a few minutes.

With each scan you are subjected to a radiation dose. The benefit of obtaining a diagnosis from the CT scan outweighs the potential risk from the radiation dose due to the important medical information it can provide. We will take all safeguards to minimise the amount of radiation you receive. The risks of radiation are slightly higher for the unborn child so we must ask all female patients aged between 10 and 55 about their menstrual history.



You are welcome to bring a friend or relative to accompany you to and from the Radiology Department, this may be useful if you do not understand English very well or if you have any special needs. However they will not be allowed into the examination room. We are unable to offer childcare facilities. If you need to bring your children with you, please bring along someone who can supervise them during your examination.



Weston’s state of the art Siemens Definition 128 slice CT scanner was commissioned in 2010. It is housed in an environmentally friendly building, with cedar clad walls and a “living” Sedum roof.

The interior has a spacious waiting area and is designed to enhance the experience of your visit.

The superior scanner technology provides CT images with previously unknown sharpness, diagnostic detail, clarity and speed.

Siemens CARE philosophy strives to keep the radiation exposure as low as possible.

As each patient is unique in terms of size weight and anatomy, an automated dose management system has been developed. This allows the scanner to adapt its power in real time, according to the patient’s individual size and build.