Data Protection Impact Assessments

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust. 

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW what we do with your information page for the latest information. 



Burns app


Use of an App to take photograph of burns on own phones using an App to the point of referral (burns service).


e White board Project 


New product introduced to enhance patient flow and, enable patient tracking.




Synertec are a Third Party who will deliver letters to patients

Letters initially will be for outpatient appointments and radiology appointments


Chaplaincy access to  records


Chaplain to have access to Medical Records to document Visits and consent. To enable documentation of Spiritual support visits and associated information and requirement.