Overseas Visitors

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust. 

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW what we do with your information page for the latest information. 



Overseas Visitors

Where the Trust treats you as an overseas patient in addition to the above the Trust may collect additional information to establish your eligibility for free treatment within the NHS and to recover payment from you if that becomes necessary.

This may include some additional information such as :


  • as a passport
  • proof of residence
  • asylum status
  • evidence of health insurance
  • purpose and length of stay


Once we have satisfactorily established your status we will not retain copies of any supporting documents you supplied.

Relevant information may be shared with the Home Office where required by the National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2015 so that they can confirm your immigration status to us. This will not include clinical information about your healthcare with us.

The information provided may be used and retained by the Home Office for its functions, which include enforcing immigration controls overseas, at the ports of entry and within the UK. The Home Office may also share this information with other law enforcement and authorised debt recovery agencies for purposes including national security, investigation and prosecution of crime, and collection of fines and civil penalties.

If you are chargeable but fail to pay for NHS treatment for which you have been billed, it may result in a future immigration application to enter or remain in the UK being denied. Necessary (non-clinical) personal information may be passed via the Department of Health to the Home Office for this purpose.