Child Protection

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust. 

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW about us page for the latest information. 



Weston Area Health NHS Trust is committed to ensuring that we fulfil our responsibilities to safeguard children from abuse.

All those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, including people who do not have a specific role in relation to child protection, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. For the purpose of child protection, a child is Pre-birth to 18 years of age.


Types of child abuse are described by the NSPCC here and where or if  our staff are concerned that a child requires protection from abuse they will routinely share information with other agencies, as is their legal duty. When appropriate and possible this will be with the knowledge and consent of the parents/legal guardian. However in some circumstances  it is necessary to break confidentiality and share information without consent in order to prioritise the safety and welfare of children. The child is paramount.


Child Protection Statement

The Board of Weston Area Health NHS Trust is assured that the following requirements are in place in line with the recommendations of the Care Quality Commission to ensure that systems and processes are in place to safeguard children and young people:

  • Weston Area Health NHS Trust meets all statutory requirements in relation to Criminal Records Bureau checks;
  • Weston Area Health NHS Trust has a child protection policy in place that meets with the requirements of Working Together 2015 to Safeguard Children;
  • Weston Area Health NHS Trust has a process in place that meets with the standards agreed by the South West Strategic Health Authority to ensure all children who miss an outpatient appointment for whom there are safeguarding concerns are flagged with the safeguarding team;
  • All eligible staff within the Trust have undertaken level 1 child protection training. Since September 2009 staff have been encouraged to use the e-learning package for child protection level 1. The Trust is also offering face to face training in the ongoing rolling programme of training on offer, with statutory/mandatory training for all new employees at Induction with three yearly updates.
  • Weston Area Health NHS Trust has undertaken an audit of safeguarding training needs and outcome and all recommendations are being delivered;
  • Weston Area Health NHS Trust has a lead safeguarding professional in place to fulfil the requirements as detailed in Working Together to Safeguard Children;
  • The Board level Executive Lead with the responsibility for safeguarding in Weston Area Health NHS Trust is Sarah Dodds, Director of Nursing and the Non-Executive Director is Ros Wyke;
  • The Board of Weston Area Health NHS Trust reviewed these systems and processes in Summer 2011. All recommendations from this review are monitored by our Quality and Governance Committee and report to the Board.


Last Review: January 2017

  • Update April 1st 2010: As at 1 April 2010, 90.04% of all Trust staff who require Child Protection (Level One) training have received it.
  • Update June 14th 2012: As at 14 June 2011, 86.6% of all Trust staff have received Child Protection training at Level One or higher.
  • Update 27th April 2018: As at 31st March 2018, 94.1% of all Trust staff have received Child Protection training at Level One or higher.