Tackling Fraud and Financial Malpractice

Fraud and financial malpractice in the NHS are unacceptable and we ask anyone with concerns to raise these immediately.

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) was formed on 1 April 2020 following the merger of University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust and Weston Area Health NHS Trust. 

The information on this page is historic. Visit the UHBW about us page for the latest information. 



The overwhelming majority of patients, healthcare professionals, contractors and suppliers would never dream of stealing from the NHS. But a small minority are. Every time that a fraud is committed, patient care suffers.

"Fraud" and "financial malpractice" may take many forms against the Trust and NHS:

  • Unlawful or unprofessional conduct and/or performance in the Trust.
  • Fraud or financial mismanagement of the Trust's affairs.
  • Fraud by abuse of position.Mis-charging by health practitioners.
  • Fraudulent statements by patients.
  • Mis-recording of working time.
  • Falsifying expense claims (patients and staff).
  • Non-fulfilment of contractual obligations.
  • Overcharging by suppliers or contractors to the Trust / NHS.Prescription fraud / selling prescriptions / selling prescription drugs.
  • Falsifying job applications, qualifications or CVs.

The above actions may be carried out by members of the Trust’s staff and other health practitioners, companies contracting with the Trust / NHS, patients or members of the public in matters relating to the Trust / NHS. 

The Trust and the NHS have introduced policies and procedures designed to drive down fraud to a minimum. The Trust Board is committed to ensuring that any fraud or financial malpractice is dealt with rapidly and effectively.


What should you do if you become aware of fraud or financial malpractice in the Trust / NHS?

If you are aware of any matters which you genuinely believe may involve fraud or financial malpractice in the NHS, we would encourage you to raise these with the NHS Counter Fraud and Corruption Reporting Line on 0800 028 40 60.

Your confidentiality will be respected at all times.

Further information may be obtained on the following web pages: