Badger Notes FAQs

We've listed below some of the things that people most often ask about Badger Notes, with accompanying responses. We'll continue to keep these updated leading up to - and after - the launch of Badger Notes this autumn.

Whilst we hope these address as many of your questions as possible, please remember that you can always raise any issues or concerns with your midwife or maternity service.  

1. How will I access Badger Notes once it's live?

With the following options, please be aware that you can't access your notes until you receive a 'security phrase' from your midwife once the app is live. If you're registered with a GP in England, you can also create an account using NHS login. 

a. Using a mobile phone

  • iPhone
    Please search for the Badger Notes app in iTunes and download. Once done, tap the icon on your home screen to open.
  • Android
    Please search for the Badger Notes app in the Google Play store and download. Once done, tap the icon on your home screen to open.

b. Using a PC or tablet
You can log in to the Badger Notes website by clicking this link:

For more information, please see Badger Notes help.

This video shows you how to log in, and explains the various Badger Notes features.

2. How secure is Badger Notes?

All information is held securely and cannot be accessed without the correct login details (similar to when you use internet banking).

3. Can anyone else I request (family, friend, partner, doula) access my information on the app?

No - the only person who can access your information is you. For care purposes, healthcare professionals such as GPs will also have 24-hour access to information - but only once they've been granted access to Badger Notes by you.

4. What language will Badger Notes be available in?


It will be configured to the 11 most common languages as held on/used by the Badger Notes app, as follows: English, Welsh, Polish, Punjabi, Bengali, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Lithuanian, Somali, and Maori. There is also a translate function on the desktop version.

5. What happens if I don't have a smartphone?

You can access Badger Notes on a home device (e.g. desktop or laptop computer, tablet) via the internet.

If you don't have access to a device, you're likely to continue using the yellow book. Please speak to your community midwife in this instance.

6. What if I'm part way through my pregnancy and already have my yellow notes?

Please continue to bring your yellow maternity notes book to every appointment as staff will need to review the information within it - unless you have been advised otherwise by your healthcare professional or maternity service. However, all care will be recorded in the BadgerNet system used by staff and other healthcare professionals, and available for you to access via Badger Notes. 

7. What happens if I move Trust and my new provider doesn't use Badger Notes?

If this is the case, a copy of your notes will be sent on to the new hospital.