Ashcombe Birth Centre

Antenatal Clinics

Antenatal Screening Choices

Further information about antenatal screening

Badger Notes

We are introducing a new system that offers a better experience for our maternity service users. Both North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) will jointly start using Badger Notes from Tuesday 26 September 2023. In particular, Badger Notes will see the replacement of bulky yellow notes folders with an app that provides access to a...

Choosing where to give birth

Information to help you decide where you would like to give birth to your baby

Community-based Midwifery Service

Day Assessment Unit (DAU)

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)

Learning Environment

Maternity Voices

New website for parents to share views on maternity services

Ashcombe Birth Centre's mums

Stories from mums and midwifes

Ashcombe Birth Centre

Maternity services

Attending our maternity services safely:

  • If you are COVID-19 positive and coming for an appointment, please inform your midwife and sonographer. This will not affect your care.
  • Birth partners and visitors are asked to not come to the hospital if they feel unwell. This includes symptoms of COVID-19, sickness, diarrhoea, fever, sore throat or flu.
  • If you are attending St Michael's Hospital (Bristol) or Ashcombe Birth Centre (Weston) you do not need to wear a mask when entering the hospital, or in communal or outpatient areas. However, you and any supporting person will be asked to wear a mask on the central delivery suite (CDS), the maternity-led birthing unit (MLU), the day assessment unit (DAU) and the maternity wards at St Michael's Hospital, and in the birth rooms and the day assessment unit (DAU) at Ashcombe Birth Centre.
  • We recommend that patients and supporting people who are severely immuno-compromised, or who have respiratory symptoms or are positive for COVID-19, continue to wear a mask in all areas of the hospital.
  • If you have any questions or additional needs that need to be taken into account, please speak to the Matron or your community midwife who will be happy to discuss this with you. The Matron can be contacted by calling switchboard on 0117 923 0000.


Labour and birth at St Michael's Hospital and Ashcombe Birth Centre

  • Two nominated birthing partners are allowed to be with you during labour and the birth.
  • If you give birth on one of our birthing units and you and your baby are able to go home within 2-3 hours after giving birth, your birthing partners will be able to stay with you until you and your baby leave.


Home births

Our home births service is still available where appropriate. Please speak to your midwife to discuss your options.


Scans at St Michael's Hospital and Ashcombe Birth Centre:

You will be able to attend all scans and appointments at our day assessment units at St Michael's Hospital and Ashcombe Birth Centre with one non-symptomatic adult.


Appointments at St Michael's Hospital and Ashcombe Birth Centre

You can be accompanied by one non-symptomatic person (ideally the birth partner) for all scans and consultant antenatal appointments, and to appointments at our day assessment units at St Michael's Hospital and Ashcombe Birth Centre,

For fetal medicine and early pregnancy clinic appointments you can be accompanied by one non-symptomatic person.

Community midwifery clinics and home visits are still running as usual. If you attend a community midwifery clinic, you can be accompanied by a supporting partner.


Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)

At the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG), everything we do is with the aim of improving maternity services for all. We are a team of people who work together to transform your maternity care. If you or your partner are pregnant or have recently had a baby, then you can be a member. Find out more.




Information about Ashcombe Birth Centre


Ashcombe Birth Centre is a freestanding birth unit situated on the second floor in the Weston General hospital. Mums-to-be who are having a straightforward pregnancy and would like a natural birth, may be able to choose the homely environment of the free-standing birth centre rather than a traditional hospital setting. It is a purpose built unit with two comfortable birthing rooms. Mothers can give birth in a relaxed, home from home setting.

The birth of your baby is an extraordinary and life-changing event, the memories of which will stay with you forever. We aim to offer a calm and relaxing environment with the support of experienced midwives. Both rooms have ensuite facilities, bean bag and birthing ball and one room has a birth pool, to promote active labour and natural births. After the birth you will return home to the care of your community midwife.


Why should I consider birthing in a midwife led unit?

‘Midwifery units appear to be safe for the baby and offer benefits for the mother’.

Women who planned a birth in a midwifery unit had significantly fewer interventions...and more ‘normal births’ than women who planned birth in an obstetric unit’.

Labour and birth are a natural process, most mums who are fit and well and have had a healthy pregnancy can choose to birth in our midwifery led unit. We do recognise that some women may require the more specialised support provided by the main obstetric unit at St. Michael’s Hospital, Bristol. To help with your decision, your community midwife will discuss options with you at your booking and again when you are 34 weeks pregnant, if you choose the Ashcombe birth centre your individual health and pregnancy will be reviewed to ensure your pregnancy has remained uncomplicated.


Facilities at Ashcombe Birth Centre have been designed to provide comfort and support in labour and include:

Two en-suite birth rooms furnished with floor mats, cushions and birth balls to support you

A water pool in one birth room, should you wish to relax and/or give birth in water

Entonox (gas and air) and aromatherapy to help with labour 

Access to tea, coffee and light snacks

In addition to the birth facilities, the Birth Centre is a base for the local community midwives and a venue for Consultant antenatal clinics, postnatal clinics, day assessment unit and the early pregnancy assessment unit.

What happens if there is a problem?

If your pregnancy has been straightforward, and there is no reason to think that you or your baby are likely to need medical support during labour or after the birth, then the Birth Centre could be a good choice for you.

The Ashcombe Birth Centre is staffed and run by midwives. Extra emergency equipment is kept in the Birth Centre, should unforeseen problems arise for a woman or baby. Staff receive regular training to deal with such situations.

If emergency assistance is required from other medical practitioners women will be transferred via ambulance to St. Michael’s Hospital maternity unit, approximately 30 minutes away (22 miles).


Please take a look at further infromation about St Michael's Hospital.


Download our maternity services app

The My Pregnancy @ St Michael's app can be downloaded onto Apple and Android smartphones and tablets. The free app enables people to access more than 60 patient information leaflets produced by our experienced midwives and clinicians. To download the app, type 'St Michael's Bristol' into the app store on your device.  

Apple App store

Android App store


Useful links:

National Birth Place Study

NCT, Where to have my baby?: