Ashcombe Birth Centre

Antenatal Clinics

Antenatal Screening Choices

Further information about antenatal screening

Badger Notes

We are introducing a new system that offers a better experience for our maternity service users. Both North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust (UHBW) will jointly start using Badger Notes from Tuesday 26 September 2023. In particular, Badger Notes will see the replacement of bulky yellow notes folders with an app that provides access to a...

Choosing where to give birth

Information to help you decide where you would like to give birth to your baby

Community-based Midwifery Service

Day Assessment Unit (DAU)

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)

Learning Environment

Maternity Voices

New website for parents to share views on maternity services

Ashcombe Birth Centre's mums

Stories from mums and midwifes

Learning Environment

All staff on Ashcombe Birth Centre participate in mandatory Weston Area Health Trust Training Programme. All midwifery staff also attend an annual Obstetric Emergency Skills day, an Infant Feeding update and Child Protection update.  Every two  years midwives attend a Professional day which includes subjects such as  perineal suturing, domestic abuse, water birth and communication. 

The midwives are also trained in Neonatal Advanced Life Support as required by the UK Resuscitation Council.

Maternity support staff also attend training and regular updates relevant to their role. 


A rolling clinical audit programme is in operation to ensure standards of midwifery care.

The Birth Centre achieved full Baby Friendly accreditation in October 2013.

We also support the degree Midwifery programme at UWE Bristol with students attending placements in both ward and community.

We also participate in the Paramedic training also based at UWE.