Help for Carers

Someone who cares for or takes responsibility for another person who needs help because of a disability, illness or the effects of old age. 

This can range from help for a few hours a week to round the clock caring. This section has been produced to guide carers through some of the practical and emotional matters that they need to consider if someone they care for is admitted to hospital. Below are details on what support is available for carers in hospital and in the wider community.

At University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust we are commitment to supporting and working in partnership with carers. Together with North Bristol NHS Trust, we have reaffirmed that commitment and jointly developed a new Carers Charter in November 2020.


Hospital service

Weston General Hospital has a carers support service funded by the local authority and local NHS Clinical Commissioning group as part of North Somerset’s carers support service provided by Alliance Homes. Carers can contact their representative for advice and information.

Ther service can support carers through the patient’s hospital journey, helping liaise with staff and teams within the hospital, as well as being there as moral support. They will inform the carer of their rights and right to have a carers assessment if their own wellbeing has been impacted by the caring role. They can also help by signposting and referring into relevant services in the community, including giving benefit advice to the carer and cared for.

Telephone: 01934 636363, EXT 3193

Mobile: 07855 087214



Care Connect: Operated by North Somerset District Council

Tel: 01275 888801 & 01934 888801

Gives carers help and guidance to find the services they need.


Healthwatch North Somerset

Healthwatch North Somerset  is an independent consumer champion for health and social care in North Somerset

The 2012 Health and Social Care Act stated that the NHS needed to be far more ‘patient-centred’. This means that health & social care providers have to consult with, and be influenced by, their local community in order to develop and improve the services they provide.

Healthwatch North Somerset is your local independent voice for health  and social care services. Healthwatch North Somerset is independent, transparent and accountable.

They work with local people to improve services for people who live, or access services in North Somerset. They gather local views and experiences, analyse and act on them to make local services better, now and in the future.

Click HERE to find out more or call 01275 851400


Hospice care

Weston Hospicecare is a locally based independent charitable hospice and each year provides care for over 650 local people living with cancer and other life-threatening conditions and for their carers and families.

Weston Hospicecare is not an NHS hospital or an exclusive, private facility. They care for rich or poor, young or old, regardless of faith and belief, providing a high standard of skilled medical and nursing care. As well as nursing care both in the home and at the Hospice, Weston Hospicecare also provides bereavement counselling, physiotherapy, complementary therapies and spiritual care.

The cost of providing these services is in excess of a 1.5 million pounds per year. They receive government funding through the local Primary Care Trust which equates to a fifth of their income, and depend on the local community for the remainder.

Their Palliative Care Consultants work at the hospital and the hospice. This ensures that the palliative care services are closely linked and work in harmony.


North Somerset Carelink

Carelink is an easy to use monitored alarm system that can give help at the touch of a button, 24 hours a day, every day.

Click to learn more or phone 01934/01275 888801.

North Somerset carelink. Help at the touch of a button
Telecare . Help to minimise risks at home

Carers Assessment

If you look after a relative or friend who need support because of age, physical or learning disability or illness, including mental illness and caring has a major impact in your life then a carer's assessment could help you. Your local council Social Services Department may be able to help to make things easier for you. They can provide services to the person you care for. They can also provide services for you. Carers are now entitled to their own assessment under the Carers (Equal Opportunity) Act 2004.

If you wish to know more

Carers Telephone Support Phone Number : 01934 411840 (Option 3).

'About the Care Scheme’ Phone Number:  01934 411840 (Option 1).


Department of Health's Carer's Website

UK Online - Leaflet for Carers



CERS - Carers' Emergency Response Scheme

The Carers Emergency Response Scheme has been launched to give carers the reassurance that if an emergency occurs, the person they care for will be looked after. The emergency response centre is operated by Carelink.


Carers Direct

Free, confidential information and advice to help you as a carer.

Helpline: 0808 802 0202

Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday

11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines.



Carers UK

The voice of carers and is the only carer-led organisation working for all carers.

Young Carers Support Alliance

The Carers Support Alliance is led by Alliance Homes. They support carers living in North Somerset.

They offer:

  • Information and advice,
  • Carers Assessments to help you find the right support,
  • Various support groups and activities for carers
  • A counselling service. 

If you are a carer, and you want to find out what help is available for you, please contact Alliance Care on 03000 120 120 (choose option 3).

For information about support for adult carers or support for young carers visit the Alliance Care website. 

Support for carers from Alliance Care

Carers are people from all walks of life who provide unpaid care and support to a relative, friend or neighbour who can’t manage without their help.

Most carers don’t label themselves 'carers' – they are husbands, wives, sons, daughters or friends who see that someone is struggling and do everything possible to help.

However, it is very common for people with caring responsibilities to neglect their own needs because they focus so much on helping the person they care for. If this sounds like you, we’re here to help.

Alliance provide a single point of contact for carers of any age to access the help and practical support that you need.

Their support workers work with you to identify problems related to your caring responsibilities and to find potential solutions to them. They can support you to have some time of your own, separate from your caring responsibilities, if this is what you want to do.

Alliance deliver carers support services in North Somerset in partnership with

  • Age UK Somerset
  • North Somerset Community Partnership

And 'The Carers Support Alliance'

Call Alliance care on 03000 120 120 (option 3).

If your prefer not to contact us, all carers living in North Somerset can now access a FREE online service called Rally Round. This service makes it really easy for friends and family to come together to help a loved one stay safe and well at home. Get started now!


Marie Curie Helpers Service

Your local Marie Curer Helper is able to spend up to three hours a week with terminally ill people and their carers. This is a free service.

If you live in Somerset and North Somerset, you can get support from a Marie Curie Helper by contacting the local Volunteer Manager on 0845 303 2777. You can also email

A healthcare or social care professional, for example your District Nurse or GP, can also refer you to this service.


ICU Steps

ICUsteps was founded in 2005 by ex-patients, their relatives and ICU staff to support patients and their families through the long road to recovery from critical illness.

Their aims are to:

  • support patients and relatives affected by critical illness,
  • promote recognition of the physical and psychological consequences of critical illness through education of the medical profession and the general public, and
  • encourage research into treatment and the prevention of these issues.

ICUsteps is the United Kingdom's only support group for people who have been affected by critical illness and has helped many former patients, their relatives and medical staff from organisations around the world. Visit their website HERE.