Upper Gastro-intestinal MDT

What is the Multi-Disciplinary Team?

The Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) consists of a team with specialist training and experience of the diagnosis and management of Upper Gastrointestinal cancer. The idea behind an MDT meeting is to streamline, improve continuity of care; with everyone informed of the overall picture and included in decision making about treatment for individual patients.


Members of the Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Cancer MDT

Consultant Surgeon & Lead Clinician

Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist/Endoscopist

Clinical Nurse Specialist

3 Consultant Gastroenterologists

Consultant Surgeon

Consultant in Palliative Care Medicine

Consultant Radiologist

Consultant Histopathologist

MDT Co-ordinator


MDT Meetings

The local MDT meeting is held weekly at Weston General Hospital (WGH) every Monday. There is also a regional MDT meeting held at the Bristol Royal Infirmary (BRI) every Friday and at this meeting Weston patients are represented by a member of the MDT usually the Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist and the Consultant Oncologist to discuss individual patients and their treatment.

The MDT may discuss patients at any point in their Upper GI cancer pathway; for example

  • After having an endoscopy
  • After having a biopsy
  • After having an Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio–Pancreatography (ERCP)
  • After having a CT scan, Ultrasound, X-ray
  • After completing a course of treatment
  • If new symptoms develop


MDT Decisions

As part of your treatment plan you will be discussed at the MDT meeting and an appointment will be made for you to discuss this plan with your Doctor and/or the Lead Upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialist. If appropriate the CNS may hold a telephone consultation with you to prevent delays, share appropriate information and support you.

Sometimes further investigations are required either at Weston or the BRI. You will be contacted if further investigations required.

After the BRI Fri MDT occasionally you may be contacted by the BRI if appointments are planned with them.


Your Key Worker

Your Key Worker will be the Lead Upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). You may contact the CNS whenever you require further information about any aspect of your diagnosis or care.


Contact details and hours of working


Karen Low, Lead Upper GI Clinical Nurse Specialist/Endoscopist

Monday – Friday (NB off site most Friday mornings at the BRI)

Tel: 01934 881147 Please leave message if not available. If urgent please contact your GP

Switchboard: 01934 636363 Ext. 5541

Bleep: 120


Treatment at other hospitals

Surgery is performed for Upper GI Cancer at the BRI, radiotherapy if required is carried out at Bristol Haematology & Oncology Centre (BHOC) and chemotherapy if required is carried out at WGH or occasionally at BHOC.

You always remain a Weston Hospital patient but care may sometimes be shared with the BRI to provide the best possible care for you.