Smokefree Policy

Weston General Hospital and Drove Road Children’s Centre are Smoke Free. Smoking is not permitted in either the buildings or the grounds. There are no exceptions for staff, patients, contractors or visitors.

Weston Area Health NHS Trust was a pioneer of the smoke-free NHS policy among local acute Trusts.

Since January 2006 the buildings and grounds have been smoke-free – a full 12-months before the Government’s target date to achieve this throughout the NHS.

The aim is to further protect and improve the health of staff, patients and visitors by removing them completely from the dangers of second-hand smoke.

Why go smoke free?

Smoking remains the largest single cause of death and disease in England and the harm caused by passive smoking is now well established.

National research found that the overwhelming majority of patients would like to see hospitals becoming smoke-free.

The NHS, as the foremost health-promoting and treatment organisation in the UK, is demonstrating strong leadership by becoming smoke-free.

It is widely felt that as a health service dedicated to fighting illness, the NHS cannot condone an activity which is known to cause numerous diseases - cancer, coronary disease and vascular disease, to name just three.

Allowing smoking on-site would undermine this vital public health message.

I’m a smoker – how will I cope in hospital?

The Trust recognises that giving up is not easy, but support is available for those who would like to quit.

We realise that those patients who are smokers may need help to prepare for, and cope with, a stay in hospital and we have trained staff who can help them, before and after they are admitted.

They can ask the nurse they see at their pre-operative assessment clinic for help, or they can ask on the ward once they are in hospital.

The nurses will explain the options for managing smoking, such as the availability of free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, and the support available both in hospital and in the community.

Staff and smoking 

Our smoke-free policy carries the same importance as any other Trust policy relating to clinical, employment or health and safety matters and breaches of it may be subject to our disciplinary processes.

The smoke free policy also identifies that smoking in uniform, or in public, is not permitted anywhere and may lead to disciplinary action.

Smoking Off-Site

We realise that patients and indeed, our staff, are not obliged to remain within the Trust premises and may choose to leave to smoke.

We do not encourage this, but would like to remind all patients, staff and visitors that the hospital is in a residential area and all smoking-related litter should be disposed off appropriately and not discarded in the surrounding streets.

Where to go for help with Giving Up Smoking

If you would like free help and advice on stopping smoking, please contact:

Smokefree North Somerset


Tickenham road,


BS21 6FW

Tel  01275 546744  

email or check out their website here